Saturday, January 4, 2014

You say po-ta-to, I say VICTORY!

My husband loaded 8 bags of potatoes in my arms, which is the equivalent of the weight I lost in 2013.

Holy. hell.

No wonder I was so tired all the time.  No wonder I didn't want to drag my butt off the sofa to do housework, let alone exercise. My Fitbit Zip opened my eyes to the fact that I have a very sedentary office job. I know that job added an extra bag and a half of potatoes in the last half of 2012.  

I know people in the produce department probably thought we were nuts, but I don't care. I should have run laps around the store in the manner of a Biggest Loser challenge.

Tangible evidence of weight loss feels amazing. If you've had any eye opening moments like this, I'd love to hear about them!


  1. How many pounds of potatoes is that? I'm assuming 5 lb bags, and 7 that I can see. That's a triumph!

    1. 8 bags x 5 pounds! It's actually 41 pounds overall, but they didn't have loose potatoes. ;-)
