Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year's Relief!

One of the more stressful parts of starting a new year is getting on the scale for the first time.  I weigh myself every Monday morning before getting in the shower and eating or drinking.  Sometimes I also do it on Tuesday morning to compare digits if I had a high sodium weekend.  I text my trainer on Monday, and if it's a weird number, I tell her that I'll officially "call it" on Tuesday.

New Years 2014 was filled with pretty rich food, courtesy of our wonderful hosts, their new kitchen, and their passion for cooking.  I already told my trainer during my final workout of the year that I will eat as simply as possible beforehand because you cannot keep my from my friend's gourmet bacon cheeseburgers! (No, seriously, his cooking is art.)  I might have had some wine and appetizers and a butt ton of cool ranch Doritos as well.  I may have also turned on the movie Rent two nights later, finished the last half of the wine bottle, and indulged in an entire bag of reduced fat Trader Joe's potato chips with my husband from 9 pm-1 am.  It's not something I do often since I hardly imbibe, but it was fun as hell, and I'm glad I got it out of my system.

Naturally, there were inconveniently timed evening appointments, snowy icy weather, and a general PFFT attitude to going to the gym from this past Thursday-Saturday.  Rather than dusting off my stationary bike (never said I wasn't lazy), I just focused on what I ate and drank a lot of water.  I went to the gym on Sunday morning when everything was a sheet of ice.  I'd say that's dedication!  My joints felt infinitely better after I did my 1.25 mile jog.  I can't wait to get back there tonight.  It's what my trainer calls a "positive addiction."

The moment of truth was at 8 am this morning....I braced myself as I stepped on the scale....still 41 pounds down.  Hallelujah!

I'm SO ready to kick 2014's ass now!  Let the constant smoothies, jogging, strength work, and body shaping begin!

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