Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Building Layers One Piece at a Time

Today I did something that I've refused to do over the last 18 years.

I layered clothing.

Hold your applause...I know, what a boring revelation, huh?

Seriously though, I was a teen in the 1990s when layering was a huge trend.  Just think of the cardigans and baby doll dresses, short sleeve shirts over long sleeved ribbed shirts, sweaters and collared was hell for someone who didn't want add extra bulk to her body.  I felt self-conscious and uncomfortable.

As I started gaining weight, I wore short sleeve shirts in the winter because my work places were always stale and hot.  Yes, even in 12 degree weather!  My "uniform" of jeans, t-shirts, and hoodies was appropriate for fall and spring, but I wore it all year long, whether sticky or freezing.  Hide...but without bulk.
When I had to start wearing nicer clothes at the bank, I didn't always choose the most flattering pieces, and the most layering I did was an open cardigan or jacket.  Jackets are often awkward for me because of my pear shape.  I hardly ever wore sweaters because the temperature was either boiling or freezing, and I preferred cold over heat.  I would use my mini-fan every single day, no matter the temperature.

At my current office job, the thermostat still caused divisive drama, and I still used my fan daily.  As soon as I bought a new one (it was 3 years old and getting loud), I suddenly began to experience the internal body temperature change that often comes with weight loss.  Of course.  I think I used the new fan for about a month.

I started getting cold when I would go to supermarkets or movie theatres this past summer, and I really started digging around for hoodies and long sleeved shirts in the fall.  It was the strangest feeling to suddenly be cold!  Granted, our heating system had to be replaced and we were freezing during a suddenly cold October and November (the Northeast is weird lately), but I was still cold at work and after we got the new system installed.

I am usually in a sweater or covered in a blanket now.  I thrive on outerwear.  I just discovered the joy of bundling up in 3 blankets when it's below freezing at bedtime.  Socks are suddenly a necessity.  We just had another blizzard, and today was about a high of 14-18 degrees.  I dug through a bag I was going to donate and pulled out all the sweaters.  I found my bulkiest one (that I wore maybe 3 times before), put a tank top underneath, and put on leggings underneath corduroy pants and Old Navy fake Uggs.



The sweaters are size large and are still accentuating the spare tire around my waist a bit more than I'd like, but I don't care.  They fit a hell of a lot better than they used to!

Bulky and proud.

And seriously?  I could never get pants on over leggings for the past few years.  This is nothing short of amazing for me.  Major NSV!

I'm going to be writing about clothing sizes and their inconsistencies soon.  Remember these corduroys, as they will be making a big guest appearance again!  Right now, I'm just happy to be fulfilling the title of this blog as I snuggle in my cozy knit sweater on this frigid night.  

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