Tuesday, April 1, 2014

27 Dresses, or 80s STYLE MONTAGE!

I always used to joke that I was turning into Katherine Heigl's character in the movie 27 Dresses.  I'd been in 4 weddings before my own, and then I was a bridesmaid 2 months after that.

Do we really need an excuse to gaze upon James Marsden?  No, no we do not.

I got lucky though, as my brides had good taste (and I'd like to think I was kind to my ladies with their choice of holly green short dresses).  Funny enough, I had the same style dress for the first two weddings, just in different colors.  Ha!  It always puzzled me why women would purposely have ugly bridesmaid dresses.  You're the bride, you're not going to be upstaged by anybody!  And then you'll have orange meringue poofs in your pictures forever!

Now that I'm down so many inches, I was curious about how I fit into these dresses again, including my own wedding dress!  I was also inspired by my friend B who just shared an amazing "after" picture in an old bridesmaid's dress.  I'm about the same weight that I was for the 2009 dresses, but my body is shaped differently.  This was a very interesting experiment!  I also found my old prom dresses, but that experiment won't be for a year or two.

My husband put on some 80s training montage music and snapped a bunch of pictures as I twirled and pouted and flounced with no spanx, messy hair and obvious bra straps.  I'm obviously getting more comfortable in my own skin!

Wedding Number 1:  April 28, 2007



I actually kinda love this now!!  I didn't have sass the first time.

Wedding Number 2:  October 4, 2009



This one was a bit tighter, but I was also 15 pounds smaller then.  Still, I felt much more confident with my body this time.

Wedding Number 3: October 31, 2009



Lucky that I just wore this a few weeks ago!  The waist is so much better now, which is funny because this was a couple weeks after the last wedding.  (It was a Halloween themed wedding in case that wasn't perfectly obvious.)

Wedding Number 4:  October 10, 2010



My boobs were a lot bigger then, but my belly's a lot smaller now.  I was 20-22 lbs heavier at that wedding.

Wedding 5:  July 22, 2012



Holy. Shit.  That was 48 pounds ago.  That dress is falling right off me.  AMAZING.

MY WEDDING!!  April 28, 2012



The wedding was 41 pounds ago.  Now the petticoat is falling off and the dress is so loose that it can be scooched all around.  Craziness.  What a feeling.

I treasure the memories and pictures with my friends and loved ones and was honored to be a part of their respective special days. I love my own wedding pictures and am finally getting around to making the album. But it truly feels so good to know that I'm on my way to getting into that blazing hot senior prom dress!

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