Sunday, May 3, 2015

MFP Challenge: Day 7

Well, the week is over! I may not always take exact screenshots and blog, but I'd like to check in daily on the Facebook page. 

-Naturally, I was kind of starving this morning. My Friday night leftovers were kind of a necessity for lunch. 

-Yeah, we ordered in. BUT...I only ate half the wrap. I kinda gave that habit up along with splitting my 12 in sandwiches, so this was a big deal. Ok, so I finished the fries, but I'm absolutely stuffed now. I can't even dream of sneaking a dessert. 

-We took a walk around 4:30 today. It wasn't much, but I think it re-energized us and helped clear our heads. Though my allergies are in full swing, I still love the blooming cherry blossoms. 

Yes, he obviously loves me with those puffy eyes, bad hair, and no makeup.

Today's shoutouts go to two awesome Heathers in my life!

I met Heather R on an email group back in 2000/2001. We started chatting about the topic at hand in personal emails and soon got to be friends. She lives in UT and I live in PA. Due to both of us unable to travel across the country for various reasons, we still haven't met. However, we've held onto a great friendship for nearly 15 years now. She is a runner, and she gives me such inspiration and excellent advice about easing into it. I feel so good when she tells me not to say I'm a jogger or that I'm just a beginner. She wants me to be proud of what I have done on that treadmill while taking it at the proper pace and speed. Here's a picture she recently tagged me in: 

One day, we will meet. Until then, I'm proud to be her friend, and her encouragement has meant a lot to me. I'm so glad we're able to still chat so openly. 

I met Heather S in high school! We had mutual friends but didn't really know each other. Naturally, Facebook happened, and then we started messaging about weight loss after a few years. We realized how much we had in common and started to become real life friends! We share similar weight goals and are on our own serious journeys. She has been a great sounding board, and she gets where I'm at along with the frustrations. Her dedication and success  for her next phase has been inspirational. It's been awesome to get to know each other, hang out, geek out, and chat about all this stuff. It's so funny how you may know someone since high school but you never really knew them. I'm glad we didn't pass by this opportunity, and I am grateful for everything. You are AWESOME. Virtual high five! 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

MFP Challenge: Day 6

I just lost my entire draft.'s Saturday night, not too many people will see this, and I'm just gonna have fun!

-Yes, I know I shouldn't have the complimentary chips at breakfast.

-My husband got Five Guys, and I actually turned it down for a lower cal/fat/sodium option. Although, Subway adds up if you're not careful. One of my biggest weight loss challenges was to stop eating 12 in hoagies. Lately, I'd been treating myself to both halves. 've only had 2 sandwiches in my life that I couldn't finish. Just call me Joey Tribbiani.

Though in this case, I could've been Ross as well. 

So yeah, my stomach started stretching to re-accommodate this Liz Lemon behavior.

But I have to remember that heavy carbs aren't my friend. 

It's so nice when TV understands you.

And for the couple that just discovered they love to host...not that we'd know anything about this...

Friday, May 1, 2015

MFP Week Challenge: Day 5

It has been so busy at work that I barely had a chance to eat today. I ended up grabbing my food from the fridge and sitting at my desk since I was waiting for a call. I try not to do that anymore (a break should be a break), but the to-do list was just too big. Glad I had some caffeine this morning!

-I really liked that sandwich thin, and it has a decent amount of fiber. Bread is so great, but it's one of the worst things I can eat. 

-Quick dinner at a nearby diner before a movie. Hey, I took half of it home. 

-Saw The Avengers: Age of Ultron tonight, hence the movie snack. I don't like sitting for 2 1/2 hours after sitting for 8 hours of work, so I volunteered to get up halfway through and stand in line so I could just get the blood rushing. Good movie though, and I loved Elizabeth Olsen. 

Today was such a long day that I'm too tired to keep writing my next shoutout. I'm going to make up for that tomorrow, but for today I'm just going to redirect you to the piece I wrote about my trainer in March. D is such a special and influential figure in my life, and I can't say it enough. (I'm on the app, so I can't make a pretty link): 


Thursday, April 30, 2015

MFP Week Challenge: Day 4

Today was good.  The morning started off with the typical inner monologue about whether I really wanted to take the time to wash the blender and make a smoothie.  Then I got a Facebook comment from a friend (hi Bon!) asking me about my favorite smoothie recipe and what equipment I use.  While I was commenting back, I realized once again just how simple the process is for a yummy and fulfilling payoff.  Turns out I had all the ingredients, and I made sure to wash the blender immediately afterwards.  It was my old routine, and it was easy peasy.  I lasted until 12:45 before I ran out to grab some food.  Ok, so I wasn't perfect with the planning, ha.

-My old smoothie standby is (in order): Silk almond milk (today was an almond-coconut blend), Natural Factors French Vanilla whey protein, chia seeds, half a frozen banana, frozen strawberries, spinach, and 1 tbsp of peanut butter.  It felt good today.

-Went to The Fresh Market for food, decided to try their sushi.  I normally hate supermarket sushi (even Wegmans!), but this was delicious.  I decided to eat it outside at a picnic table.  You don't even know what a big deal that is for me. 

-Dinner was just a mishmash of leftovers.  Could've thrown a veggie in there.

-Could've left off one of the snacks, but I don't think it will hurt anything.  Not hangry, not craving another snack, drinking water.  

Today's shoutout goes to my dear friends who have shown me the value of good food and cooking.  Ash and Ian love cooking and baking together and are those awesome people who bring home cooked food to a party or whip up a quick and delicious meal for you in their wonderfully comfortable kitchen.  I always feel like anything is possible after spending a weekend with them.  He often chats about just how simple and necessary it is to know how to cook certain foods and be able to prepare yourself a meal.  I actually bought 2 cookbooks this year and became obsessed with the show Extra Virgin on the Cooking Channel thanks to them.  

What I love is how Ash and Ian don't go for super complicated or ridiculously frilly and trendy food.  They stick with quality ingredients and cook for taste, enjoyment, and practicality.  Meanwhile, getting takeout is one of my biggest downfalls.  I really like cooking but am very lazy about the cleanup.  Again, this is a routine I need to establish.  I wish they lived closer so we could have those fun weekends more often, but it makes it all the more special when we do see each other.  And believe me, we still have our Shake Shack and Meatball Shop outings!  However, I'm definitely going to start integrating their awesome kitchen habits into our everyday life.    

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

MFP Week Challenge: Day 3

Today was probably the most calories I've consumed this week so far, but I feel fine. I'm not hangry, I'm not bloated, I didn't stress eat, and I was still under 2000 calories. I'd say that's just fine! And I stepped on the scale this morning to see I lost another .8 pounds. 

It was a very busy day at work, so I didn't get a opportunity to take a walk in this gorgeous spring weather, but I did sit outside for a few minutes to soak up the pleasantly warm breeze. 

So, here's today's eats!

-Today was more of a convenience day. I went to Wawa for breakfast and lunch food, but I chose the new-ish lowest calorie breakfast sandwich rather than the turkey sausage egg white and cheese bagel.

-Lunch is the lowest calorie option you can get at Wawa aside from a salad. It fills me up just fine.

-I stayed at work an hour late fueled by those almonds. I actually ate nuts as a snack for the first time in years, holy crap.

-Had dinner out because I didn't feel like waiting for food to be cooked and it was a belated anniversary dinner. The problem with eating at a restaurant that doesn't have website calories posted is that you have to guesstimate. I think I was pretty accurate though.

-Had some dessert bc I felt like it. 

So, I wanted to take some time for the rest of this week to give some special shoutouts. I can't think of a better way to start than with my best friend Dawn.

Dawn and I have known each other for over 20 years now and have been inseparable since the beginning of college. We have been through every kind of happy and sad emotional journey possible together, and we consider each other to be sisters. "Besters," as we coined a few years ago. Weight loss has been a very personal journey for each of us, and we always have each other's back no matter how much is gained or lost. I call her my cheerleader. *waves pom poms." We are differently shaped with different levels of athleticism, but we celebrate all our victories. Basically, if she lost 60 lbs, she'd be in the hospital, and if I ran 10 miles at the highest incline, I'd be in the hospital. 

Recently, Dawn wasn't feeling great with her diet, so she decided to try MFP after hearing me rave for years. She lost 4 lbs in a week and started to look at portions and choices differently. Now she's continuing to celebrate both scale and NSV victories. She tells me how inspirational I was, but I need her to know just how inspirational she's been for me. I was really in a slump there, and I was afraid to get back on the horse. She was so excited about how easy MFP is and the healthy results you see. I remembered how I said all that at one point. When she puts her mind to something, she DOES it. And I knew that I could get back to doing it again and that her pom poms would be flying on texts and Facebook. She's been ridiculously supportive of me all these years, and it's exciting to be on similar food journeys together. Burrito bowls instead of tortillas, chia, avocado, smoothies...we got this. I'm so proud of her for taking this leap, and I thank her so much for getting me back on that track. (But we can still totally have a fro yo or Starbucks treat too. 😉)

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

MFP Week Challenge: Day 2

Today went a lot more smoothly. I woke up and already felt better. Yesterday, the scale was showing my highest weight in 4 months. Today? Down 3 lbs. It's crazy how being mindful and drinking a lot helped so quickly. My stomach didn't feel so heavy when I walked around today, and my legs didn't ache at all. It was amazing.

Normally, Tuesday is when I see my trainer, but her appointment before me was running late, and I didn't want to get home and eat dinner late. Plus, I would've had a snack before seeing her, and all I wanted was to hang out with my husband on our 3rd wedding anniversary,

YUP, together for 7 years, married for 3. It was the most lowkey celebration we've had so far, but it was nice.

So, I was really behind on dishes and didn't make a smoothie this morning. BUT...I didn't just run to get a crazy high in sodium breakfast at Wawa, so that was good. I should've eaten more, but I actually held out better until lunch than I did yesterday. 

Some notes:

-I didn't care for that Southwestern chicken, but I won't waste the rest of the bag. I'll just choose something else next time. I forgot to mention yesterday that I had arugula. It's barely 10 calories, so no big. I loooove arugula. I could eat it with pretty much anything. It makes me think of the movie My Blue Heaven when Steve Martin's an FBI protected mobster who goes to a Midwestern supermarket and asks for arugula. 

"What's arugula?"
"It's a veg-e-ta-ble!"

-The work snacks held me over better today bc my stomach wasn't in shock.

-My lovely husband made dinner. It's cut off, but I had ketchup on the meatloaf. What was different was my addition of a salad, and I just realized I forgot to add mushrooms (a couple calories, no big). I think that filled me up more. My trainer is adamant about me getting as much veggies during the day as I can.

-I ate dessert pretty quickly after dinner. It's a weird kind of habit I developed over time, but then I would be starving at night for snacks. We ran out to get a few things, and I grumped that we should have SOME kind of treat since it's our anniversary. Mind you, I had eaten everything by this point. He didn't feel like anything, and I realized my stomach was full. I thought about how many calories were in the bakery items at Panera and Starbucks and held off. So I had a handful of animal crackers when I came home.

-I didn't go to the gym, but I did even better than yesterday with my food. Woohoo!!

Monday, April 27, 2015

MFP Week Challenge: Day 1

Today, I announced on my Facebook page that I would do my own personal challenge for a week.  I will be publicly holding myself accountable for my choices all week since I'm having a hard time getting back on track.  Life has been slowly turning around since mid-February, yet I can't manage to get myself into a routine.  I always find some kind of excuse or distraction to keep myself from making a breakfast smoothie, a healthy lunch with snacks, a constant water bottle and exercise.  Let's not even get into how much laundry and cleaning I need to do...

As I wrote about recently, I used to print out my MyFitnessPal diary pages for my trainer to read while I walked the treadmill.  She would give me advice, ask if I felt full during low-protein meals, and talk about my snack choices.  We got to the point that I knew exactly what to do, and I didn't need her guidance.  Then October 2014 happened, and I've been on a slow downward spiral ever since.  I'm lucky that I can see her again, thanks to the extreme fortune of being employed again.
I don't have many excuses anymore as my commute is next to nothing and my gym is right around the corner.  Aside from lingering mind-blowing family stress, I should be ready to start respecting my body again.  But I just can't get into a routine or start a to-do list.  And then the food comfort becomes a warm blanket that I turn to when I'm stressed.  Note the Taco Bell I immediately picked up last week after having to drive a total of 2 1/2 hours after work to deal with aforementioned family stress.
I've been eating well over 500 calories past my goal every day.  I haven't been tracking MFP faithfully at all.  I haven't been drinking enough water, plain hot tea, or my smoothies.  My veggies are almost non-existent again.  My skin is kinda gross, and my face is puffing up.  I can still fit into my clothes, but they just don't feel right.  I don't feel right.  And I'm sick of it.

So friends, I'm swinging my leg over the horse.  I still have work to do with re-balancing my diet and creating a habit.  My trainer says it takes 22 days to make a habit.  I will be publicly sharing for a week, but I think it will really be the push I need to keep doing this on my own every day.  I want energy back, I want to feel healthy, and I don't want to feel so heavy.  I know I'm not, but it's like all my tone disappeared.  So it's time to get my diet back in shape so I can really start kicking ass at the gym in May.

I actually made my smoothie this morning.  Since I had minimal ingredients, it reminded me how much I hate overly sweet fruity drinks.  Spinach will be used in full force tomorrow!  And of course, look at my super cute new drinkware!

I got the Harley Quinn tumbler at FYE.  I love her and I love the fact that the icky looking green will be covered up.  The Ello glass has a handle, is BPA free, and has a protective silicone sleeve.  I got it at Wal-Mart by the recommendation of my best friend.  Both are 20 ounces, and both had me running to pee all morning,  It sounds crazy, but I missed that.  I also remembered to take my multivitamin, something I've been slacking on doing.

April 27, 2015

I'd say today was a really successful start.  Some things I noticed:

-I absolutely need more protein in my smoothies, and I normally make them that way.  However, I had that Jamba Juice bag in the freezer for awhile and wanted to finally try it.  I will never use juice again and will be going back to almond milk and a tablespoon of peanut butter tomorrow.  I was starving by 11:30, and they used to hold me till nearly 1 pm.  This made me want to snack more in the afternoon.

-Lunch was great.  I love tuna and ricotta together (it's a creamier cottage cheese, don't judge), and that was my first time trying those tortilla chips.  I really enjoyed them; they had a sweet nutty taste and went great with the guacamole.  I can see making those a regular option in my lunches.

-I need something low calorie but substantial for a snack now.  Looks like I'm going back to string cheese and an apple! I was a little hangry by dinner, and I can practically hear my trainer saying it's because I had so much sweetness in the morning.  

-Dinner was awesome.  Qdoba is the lowest fat option for burrito bowls in this area.  I love Chipotle and Moe's, but Qdoba is closer to me and lighter on the calories/fat.  
-I was full but still had that craving for something sweet.  I KNOW!  But I didn't want to shock my body too fast, and now I don't have the urge to snack on anything.  Baby steps guys, baby steps.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Strength, Shaping, and Serendipity

I've mentioned my trainer in passing, but I don't think I've fully articulated just what an amazing and influential figure she has been in my life.

When I joined my local gym 5 years ago, I was trying to become fit after losing weight through Weight Watchers.  I was having difficulty focusing, so I learned about the training program through the manager.  He decided to match me with D since he thought our personalities would mesh well together.  He also told me that D was in the process of becoming ordained.  That threw me at first since I'm not a particularly religious person, but I decided it couldn't hurt to meet her.

I'm going to sound cliche, but we hit it off like gangbusters.  D has said from day one that our meeting was serendipitous.  She was impressed with my strength and frequently mixed up my weekly training programs.  However, I soon began a pattern of only seeing her at the gym and not going on my own time.  Things were starting to get stressful with my mother, and I began gaining weight.  I think I was only one of two clients who gained weight on her watch.  She didn't get upset with me or berate me.  I always referred to her as my "Bob" rather than "Jillian" from The Biggest Loser.  She knew that I wouldn't respond well to abrasive behavior and was relieved that I was getting any kind of exercise in my week.

My husband had just moved in by that point and came with me to the gym.  They hit it off as well, and he would sit in during my sessions while chatting with D, holding my feet, and teasing me that I needed to do 100 more reps.  They put their creative minds together to write and illustrate a book about a fairy tree, which will hopefully be available in the future!  D finished her schooling and became a non-denominational Christian minister.  It was truly her destiny to go down that road, and I saw new peace and fulfillment within her.

D is a very warm person who finds meaning in everything.  She doesn't like negativity and finds a way for me to put a positive spin on the grumpy things I say.  And believe me, that woman spent many grumpy hours with me over the years!  She always managed to put a smile on my face by the end of those sessions.  D finds beauty in the world and is quite poetic.  She can pull a poem that she wrote 10 years ago out of her brain, and it's always a lovely summation of a particular person, object, or situation.  D has an excellent sense of humor, and we often talk about TV or movies.  We chat about our personal lives, and I feel like I can trust her with just about anything.

My mother died in December 2010, and I was a mess.  My mom faithfully believed in God, and I didn't want a random minister giving her eulogy.  I called D, and she was hesitant at first because she never performed a funeral and hadn't been to one in many years.  But she got over her nerves and told me she'd be honored.  Even though D had never met my mother, she knew so much about her from all my stories and performed a beautiful service.  I felt calmer knowing I could focus on her while she was speaking next to the casket.

D does not force religion or spirituality on me or judge my beliefs.  She has been a sounding board for my rambles about what I truly believe.  I started reading more about Taoism thanks to her.  I am feeling more comfortable about giving myself permission to open my mind to more in this world beyond restrictive organized religion.  I am still a skeptic, but I'm willing to do research and reading, and never judge others.  My way of life is to treat others the way you want to be treated.

We were married in April 2012, and naturally we asked D to do the honors.  It was a short engagement period, and every Monday was spent exercising and going over the service and wedding details.  I loved how D put together a service that honored our beliefs while eliminating phrases and words that we didn't like.  She wore her robe with two crosses to make my Catholic grandmother happy, but otherwise it was a very spiritual wedding utilizing old Celtic traditions and blessings. Her husband was there as well, and he was so delightful and present in the rehearsal and setup.  It felt like a family affair.

I gained all the weight back that I lost on Weight Watchers (and then some), and D was extremely patient.  She was tentative about pushing my strength because she didn't want me to hurt my body.  It was a very fine line that she was walking with me, and I'm eternally grateful that she didn't give up on me.  She knew I had to come to the breakthrough and conclusion myself.  Naturally, she and my husband were worried that my depression and stubborn nature would keep me from doing this and that my health would be affected.  She would gently discuss this with me, and I knew she was right, but I was scared.

D would always tell me that if I just walked for 20 minutes, 3 times per week, that it would make a difference.  That a habit is formed after doing something for 22 days.  That my body needs protein and I should always pair a carb snack with a protein (think apple and cheese).  That I should really be eating a vegetable with every meal.  That I can think of myself as an island and that the necessary, nourishing food for my body is being dropped off via parachute.  That I should be mindful of my eating if I'm not exercising frequently.  That she really wants me to be exercising, but if I absolutely had to choose one or the other, that eating well is the way to go.  I started printing my week of MyFitnessPal daily diaries for her to read while I warmed up on the treadmill.  She would tell me what I did well, what could be improved or replaced, and talk to me about why I felt like I needed that coffee cake 3 nights in a row.  We recorded my weight weekly and talked about the fluctuations.  I do research on nutrition and weight loss, but it's funny how most advice I've given to people is usually from something D told me.

I started this journey in January 2013, and I lost 60 lbs by October 2014.  D is beyond thrilled.  Many people at the gym compliment me, and the owner has even posted my progress on their Facebook page.  I feel great being an example of the exemplary work that D does for her clients.  After I lost the initial excess 41 pounds in 2013, she began working on "shaping" me in 2014.  I only lost 19 lbs that year, but I lost a lot of inches.  People think I lost more weight thanks to her work!

I had to stop seeing her while I was unemployed from October through February, and it shows.  I'm still wearing the same size clothes, but I gained 10 pounds and have gone back to my old habits of never going to the gym.  D had designed a program for me that I could do on my own during that time, but I only did it a couple times.  I just had a session with her two weeks ago, and it felt amazing.  I'm still as strong as I ever was.  But I'm having a hard time managing family stress, a new job, and tired laziness.  D always tells me that the time I really feel grumpy about going to the gym is the time I need to go the most.  I only live 3 minutes away, and my new job is now another minute down the road.  There's no excuse whatsoever.  I feel like I'm starting from scratch again with my "change of life" mentality.  I know what I have to do thanks to all her guidance.  It's a matter of getting my butt out the door.

I miss her a lot, and I aim to have my life fully back on track in April.  We text and check in, but it's not the same.  I miss my friend, and I miss getting my weekly physical and mental workout!  My husband and I joke that D is our Yoda, and she truly is.

"Do. Or do not. There is no try."

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Reality Check

Well, I'm at over 6000 views for this blog and I have nearly 400 followers on my Facebook page. I've said from day 1 that I'm going to be honest and open, and I feel like I would be cheating you guys from the true journey if I selectively omitted parts.

I got blood work done 3 weeks ago. They must have been backed up because I only just got the results today. Turns out my cholesterol is trending up. The HDL and triglycerides are good, but the overall number and LDL are borderline. Nothing a high fiber diet and veggies can't fix, but there's more to it than that.

I've worked so hard to lower my borderline cholesterol over the years. My last blood work was well over a year ago, but it was perfect. I'm so mad that I allowed everything to derail. It may not have been over the space of these 3 months, but what if it was. What if my body swiftly begins a downfall when I'm not mindful and hardly exercise or eat barely any veggies and consider lettuce and tomato in fast food to do the trick?

3 months.

Stress and depression is a beast in my body. I've also learned that I will really have to keep tracking and exercising when maintaining a weight. Sounds like a big duh, I know.  The thing is, I know exactly what I have to do to keep my body healthy. Executing this process can be tricky when I'm having a really difficult time. I absolutely despise that I let my emotions swallow me whole during a stressful time.

This year is about reclaiming myself. I am infuriated at the things going on in my life and my reaction to them. Taco Bell and chips don't solve everything. My husband tells me I need to exercise more, to write out all my emotions, to meditate, to drink my smoothies again. He's so right.

I can still wear sweaters and my size 16 jeans. But I have to stop this downfall or I won't be able to button them. I can still feel my collarbone, but I also feel too much neck. My rings are still loose and my feet still bony, but my belly feels so heavy.  Lethargy feels like ass.

I need to make this public to hold myself accountable.  I felt AMAZING on October 25, 2014. I want to feel this way again ASAP. It's completely doable. My stress should have a big layer lifted by the end of February, but naturally that's not happening without bumps in the road.

I love the way I feel when I eat well. This grease is making me sick. I miss jogging as well. I hate holding myself back from things I enjoy because it takes a couple steps more effort.  I don't want to be that lazy person anymore.

I've come too far to give this all up. I'm better than that. This may not be the speediest journey, but damn if it's not realistic and educational for me!